Monday, January 21, 2013

A Holy Place

There’s an old rabbinical story about how the spot was chosen for God’s holy temple. Two brothers worked a common field and a common mill. Each night they divided whatever grain they had produced and each took his portion home.

One brother was single and one was married with a large family. The single brother decided that his married brother, with all those kids, certainly needed more grain than he did, so at night he secretly crept over to his brother’s granary and gave him an extra portion. The married brother realized that his single brother didn’t have any children to care for him in his old age. Concerned about his brother’s future, he got up each night and secretly deposited some grain in his single brother’s granary.

One night they met halfway between the two granaries and each brother realized what the other was doing. They embraced and, as the story goes, God witnessed what happened and said, ‘This is a holy place – a place of love – and it is here that my temple shall be built’. The holy place is that spot where God is made known to his people, ‘the place where human beings discover each other in love.’

Excerpted from ‘Sacred Marriage’ by Gary Thomas (pages 30-31)

1 comment:

  1. This whole planet could be a beautiful place to be a temple for God if we all had the hearts of these two brothers...:).... great story!! Where love resides God is there....ALWAYS!!....thanks .. warm thoughts for a chilly day..
