Thursday, January 7, 2010

Waiting Our Turn

I managed to make it almost through the holiday season without waiting in line to buy something. Shopping is actually something I really don’t mind doing. It’s the big box store shopping experience that I have an aversion to. I used to love to go ‘shopping’ at the old country stores when I was a kid. Remember that? But that was something different wasn’t it!

However, line-ups are a part of life. Whether it is at a check out … a bank … a stop light … the dentist’s office… And line-ups always make me think. Maybe it’s because line-ups are one of those necessarily occasions when you have little else to do but think? Heaven forbid we talk to complete strangers! But I think line-ups have something to teach us; probably more than one thing but at least this – showing consideration for others is accepted as a basic human moral code.

By that, I don’t mean that we are always considerate or that we don’t try and get ahead. I have seen some pretty inconsiderate people in line-ups and more than a few people try and ‘jump the cue’. But then watch how others respond when that happens! Remember how the fur flew when that hockey team in Alberta got their H1N1 shots before others!!!

Our society might be questioning a lot of the old values and moral standards, but if you try butting in line Buddy… no one is taking your case! Do you hear me!!! You are a sinner and a dirty rotten despicable one at that! There is little hope for you because you’re just plain rude!

Even just the fact that line-ups exist! In this country at least, it is universally understood. We do it automatically without even thinking! And that shows a very basic acknowledgment of human equality. Think about it. And what would our world be like without them? Some of you would like to find out maybe! Or maybe not. Everyone for themselves quickly becomes a dog eat dog world.

Well, they are part of our lives and although I get frustrated having to wait in this rush-rush lifestyle we live, I guess I’m really thankful for line-ups because at least they show that the world hasn’t gone completely to the dogs, at least not yet. There is still some civility in our world; a little bit of respect. One has to wonder sometimes as we continue to jettison so much of our spiritual heritage just how long we will be able to remain civil though.

Jesus said that all the laws of God hinge on these two – Love God first, then your neighbour as yourself. He also said we should treat other people the way that we would like to be treated, which is probably another way of saying the same thing.

Did I really say that I was thankful for line-ups? Lord, help me to be patient…


  1. i agree ..not only do line ups show us civility is out there but even one greater step furthur then that.... I am a shopaholic ( and proud of it!!) and there have been zillions of times i have seen people let someone in front of them who may be elderly, with children or just cause they had a few less things!!...humanity has it's share of problems but thank God literaly for that little piece of his image he created us with that has stood through the very troubling test of time!! so for that reason Steve i am with you!! i love line ups too!! lol

  2. Hey Andrea! That is a really good point. I always try and allow elderly people go in front of me in line as a general rule and sometimes I try to let people pull out into the traffic although I must confess that sometimes I don't when I'm in a hurry. Being in a hurry is probably the source of some of my most common sins! Thanks for your comment. That makes two of us!!!
