Monday, April 8, 2013

Keith Green

So, this past Sunday during the sermon I made reference to Keith Green and asked for a show of hands for those who knew who he was. I was shocked when such a very few hands went up. But, since then I did some checking and realized that it has been over 30 years now since his untimely death.

Keith Green was a Christian singer/songwriter who died in a plane crash when he was only 28 years old.

If you aren’t familiar with his music, then you really owe it to yourself to check it out online. He was so much more than a musician. He had a profound impact on me personally as a new believer and I know that to be true for a great number of others as well.  

And, for fun, I’d be interested in some of you sharing with me your favourite Keith Green song. So respond with a comment and let me know and we’ll share some memories.

I couldn’t find my own favorite, ‘The Grace By Which I Stand’, because there seem to be some copyright issues attached to it. I know that Keith wouldn’t be impressed by that as he consistently gave his music away.

But there is no shortage of his songs online. That’s for sure. So, here is one you might recognize even if you didn’t realize who wrote it.


  1. mine would be "asleep in the light"
    The Lord used this song to call me to own the mission
    Doug C

  2. Ah... asleep in the light. Yup, that's a great one. Probably typical of Keith's passion for the mission.

    I found a link to a video of the 'O Lord You're Beautiful' song that I posted where he shares some of his heart on the front end of it and it gives a good sense of his passion for the Lord.

  3. There is a Redeemer

  4. I figured we would see this one Val. It is one of my favourites as well. Here is a link if you want to have a listen.

  5. I have had two examples this week of just Who it is we are to worship. Jesus. I had the opportunity to share the full message from Steve's blog "All poped out"; just now reading today's blog I tuned in to hear the song. One of the links was to Keith's song called Easter Song, friends ask him why not just say Him rather that Jesus, people tune out when you say Jesus. Keith's answer..."because it is Jesus we worship, it was Jesus that cleansed me" Hallelujah, it is all Jesus.
    several years ago when we visited Mitch and Connie in Taloyoak, one of the other teachers was a fan.Mitch told him he knew that music his mom listened to it. They made me two CD's of music...which thrilled me because mine were cassettes, these I can take in the car. Another thing this product of the 60's never liked rock music until I heard God's praises in rock music. I listen to Keith Greene LOUD, he makes my spirit soar. Favorite?? couldn't pick one.
    I will sign my name because the program never lets me add it. I am not ashamed.

  6. You forgot to sign your name Marion! :) Not too many Mitch and Connies that I know though so ... thanks for your thoughts. Not sure why it won't let you add your name... technology...

  7. Create in me a clean heart...I just Love that song man :)

  8. Yah, I think we need to do that one some time...

  9. "You Put This Love in my Heart" and "Run to the end of the Highway" are definitely favourites of mine.....and who could forget "Piano Prelude" what a piano player! ...and what an example of a short life lived well for God!...... Dave Churchill

  10. Hey Dave! I knew you would have an opinion on this! You put this love in my heat is definitely a favourite of mine. Run to the end of the highway I'm going to have to refresh on that one...
    Which piano prelude are you referring to?

    1. Actually, I guess it's called "Keith's Piano Prelude".'s all instrumental, and if I remember correctly, I think he used it as an intro to "Create in me a Clean Heart" or maybe "Jesus Commands us to Go". At one time, Sara played it......Dave.

  11. Hi Steve..I love that song too. Perhaps my favorite is "Make my Life a Prayer to You"...great lyrics. But there are so many other favorites.....Vicki Linkletter
