Wednesday, April 6, 2011


What can be more redundant than a blog post about blogging? Well, maybe a few things but not many. The thing is, a few people have brought it to my attention that they are unable to use the comment feature on this blog. When they click on the ‘comments’ button it gives them a hard time about one thing or another. As they say, technology is great when it works!

What I am wondering is if we could try and see just how big this problem is. I have done a little research online and it appears that others are having similar problems. Blogs are supposed to have an interactive feature, and I have really appreciated the comments that have come at times from some of you, but it hasn’t ever really become much of a dialogue. So I would like to address this problem as much as it proves possible and hopefully increase the interactive function of this means of ‘sharing the journey’ with you.

Here’s what I am asking you to do. Simply click on the ‘comments’ button at the bottom of this article and see if it will allow you to post a comment. If it does, then I will get it and publish it. If it doesn’t, could you please email me and let me know exactly what happened when you tried. We may be able to do some trouble shooting and find out what is going on. I really appreciate your help with this. So here goes.


  1. Hi steve, no problems for me commenting.

  2. Andy, it looks like you responded twice with the second one using the anonymous selection. Were you conscious of this or was it intentional?

  3. Here is what Val Priest experienced according to an email she sent me:

    "I wrote a statement and it said to select file (six to choose from) I even tried the anonymous one and the message just didn't go....came up blank?"

    Anyone else have the same thing happen?

  4. Putting the "Post a comment" function to the test . . .

  5. Thanks Dawn. There are some people having problems. You don't seem to be one of them!

  6. Andy Matthews says he posted using the url selection but leaving it blank. I'm going to try that without signing in (so I'm just a regular reader) and see if it works for me.

  7. Very interesting. Andy's method worked for me to. When I tried to do it putting my email in as the url it didn't like it and kept telling me that I had illegal characters (gasp!!!) but when i just put my name in and left the url blank it only asked me to type the letters I then saw in the box and it published (as you can see above).

    So, do some of you who are having trouble want to try that and see if it works for you.


  8. Actually, Steve, I did have a problem last week when I tried to post from my iPhone. It was like it got stuck in some sort of loop but I never got any type of error message. Next time I try that, I'll let you know if I have any trouble. Good to see it's working from the "real" computer.

  9. Testing from the iPhone

  10. Hi Steve, Just seeing if I am able to post a comment. I too had illegal characters in my email address so I'm trying this time with a blank url...

  11. Hey Steve,no problem here.

  12. It may have something to do with the browser, people are using? I know some browsers do not work as well as others. Use the fast one, Chrome made by Google...hehe! It really is faster especially for Netbooks! - Bob

  13. I thought it had something to do with the browser one uses, but I think not. It has to do with Comment as: I am selecting Name/Url and see what happens? - Bob

  14. Thanks for all of you who have responded. It is looking like the answer is to choose the name/url option and fill in your name but leave the url box empty. This seems to have worked for everyone who has tried it so far.

    Anyone who that doesn't work for could you let me know by sending me an email and telling me what you did and what happened.

  15. Just trying my luck. Rob Stone

  16. Hey Steve,this is easy if it works.Peg Blair

  17. Hi Steve---just checking it out!

  18. Trying to trouble shoot to see if this works


  19. This is the second time using my name

  20. I just got off the phone with Marion J and she tried a few times while I was talking with her about how it was going. Very interesting. She uses Microsoft Explorer (the Big Blue E) as a browser and the first time she tried, nothing happened, however, when she tried it again it worked. It just seems to be kind of flaky. I don't know if it is the browser or the settings or the host site or what. I normally use Firefox and it has worked for me every time I've tried it. However, when I tried Explorer which I have on my computer as well, it didn't work for me the first time either but it did the second time. Weird.

  21. i have lsft a few comments on some of the other blogs and they never seem to get posted not sure why peggy A

  22. Hi Steve,

    Giving this a shot...hope it works.

  23. Steve,

    It's Gail..a bit confused with select profile section

  24. It is a little confusing Gail. I don't know why they make it so difficult. I'm going to try and contact the administrators and see if I can get any kind of a response from them.

  25. Hi Steve Just checking this out.Now I understand why you asked me why I did not use the comment on the Blog when I sent it by email.

  26. I'm thinking that this last comment might be from you Esther, maybe? Can I ask you why you chose the anonymous option because it seems like you weren't really trying to be anonymous?

  27. Hey Steve, I always just select name and I don't use the url, I press continue. I use firefox for our browser, it seems to work everytime.

  28. I also want to say that I think this blog is awesome and I hope you can work the kinks out because I would love to see more diolouge too. What a cool way to hear from others about thier thoughts on things!

  29. Hi Rachael,
    Thanks for the info and for your comments. It seems the leaving the url box blank is the biggest thing people need to do. It does also appear that firefox works better for commenting on the site too, though explorer does work, just not every time.

  30. Hey Steve I always use name/url and firefox.Never had any trouble.

  31. Hello, this seems to be working fine from my android. Love the site and the blog. I feel very blessed that God has brought us into your midst!
    I filled in my name and left the URL space blank.

  32. Hey Harold. Thanks for checking in and glad this is working for you. We are still seeing a few people have problems but most people seem to be getting their comments through.

    I guess we won't be seeing you before your big trip. I'm excited for you. What a great family opportunity. Enjoy the old country and we'll see you soon.
