Wednesday, September 25, 2013

10 Signs That You Might Just Be The Problem

10.  “There really is no problem and why is everyone making such a big deal about this anyway!?”

 9.  You must be right because any other conclusion would mean that someone else would come out ahead.

 8.  Your life would just be so much easier if everyone else would just get with the program.

 7.  You’ve already figured out who really is to blame for the mess you’ve gotten yourself into.

 6.  It is amazing how people just don’t seem to understand what is really going on here.

 5.  You must be right because otherwise you would have to admit you are wrong.

 4.  You must be right because you’re almost always right.

 3.  People just don’t understand how hard your life is. If they knew how hard your life was, they’d feel sorry for you and stop expecting you to be pleasant.  

 2.  You are the way you are and people just need to accept you for who you are, and learn to appreciate you for how you are, and stop expecting you to change and become a kind of person that others can get along with.

 1.  “What the heck is wrong with everyone around here anyway!!!???”

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