Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Already There

One of the biggest reasons, I believe, that unbelievers and skeptics stumble over faith is that the God they conceive of us believing in is just too small. The unbelieving mind passes judgment on God’s existence based on a frame of reference that is totally inadequate because it is completely limited by its own ability to conceive. To put it in other terms, we have a tendency to project our own limitations on God.

One example of this is the Bible’s teaching that God is eternal. So many of the difficulties brought forth by naysayers evaporate in the light of the understanding that God is not bound by time like we are. This is demonstrated in Scripture by how God consistently orchestrates events in a way that depends upon His complete knowledge of the future. And how does God have such a knowledge? Well, to put it in the terms of a popular Christian song, “He’s already there!”

When we begin to develop more of an appreciation for how incredibly great God is, faith is birthed in our hearts. This is why biblical faith is characterized by great humility. And it’s also why the enemies of God in Scripture are consistently described as prideful.

And it’s also why faith is associated with trust and with rest. Think about it. Think about the kind of assurance we have when we begin to understand just how great God is, not only in His ability, but in His amazing commitment to us.

When I'm lost in the mystery
To You my future is a memory
Cause You're already there
You're already there
Standing at the end of my life
Waiting on the other side
And You're already there
You're already there

‘Already There’ by Casting Crowns

1 comment:

  1. Great post!! I was thinking this the other day as well! I was so elated that he has chosen me to know him in my life and everyday he holds my time here on earth full of purpose and potential!! I don't ask why things happen good or bad in my life anymore..I just keep repeating thank you thank you thank you!! Because its all part of a journey he designed specifically for ME !! Lil ol me is part of his amazing plan!!! How cool is that!! I am humbled daily by this notion!! Peace Andrea!
