Thursday, March 14, 2013

Poped Out

We’ll, I’ve restrained myself for the past few weeks but here goes. I’m poped out. I’m tired of seeing it and hearing it, day in, day out, balding men in long flowing robes with beanies, religious pomp and politics, the endless nattering about nothing really… it all leaves me stone cold. A sense of history is one thing, regression is another.

Some would think I should be more sympathetic. Don’t I identify myself with all those millions of Catholic faithful tuning in with anxious anticipation? No, I don’t. I know that the world identifies me with it, and that’s probably why it bothers me the way it does. The fact that this is what comes to most people’s minds when they hear the word Christian is a disservice to the cause of Christ. I’m not being mean. It’s just a very sad thing. Lots of good people misled.   

The simple truth is that the Roman church hierarchy lost its way more than 1500 years ago and has never recovered from it. The vain traditions and misguided rituals they continue to promote above all else have little to do really with Christianity because what they are so zealous to preserve bares no resemblance to the Christian faith and practice of the New Testament. It’s mere religion.  

Doesn’t it strike you that the world media which is always unashamedly and unreservedly anti-Christ is falling over itself to cover all of this? Why is that? It’s because it doesn’t bother them at all. In fact, they kind of like it. They seem to even relish it! Why? Because it doesn’t convict them at all because they don’t recognize anything of Jesus in it.

Counterfeit has always been one of the devil’s most effective means of keeping people from discovering the truth. I shouldn’t think that I am the only one who would just like to see it all go away. Again, a lot of good people, misled. Makes my heart sick.  


  1. I completely agree with everything you just said!! it's very sad... I tried discussing this with a non believer and was told..1.4 billion catholics can't be wrong... well Yes they really can! I think alot of people are obsessed with the whole pope thing mainly because they want to see a great fall in a man just as susceptible to sin as the rest of us!! Idolizing one man on earth like this through religious glitz and glam is dangerous for Christianity in my opinion.. he is only a man not jesus and their image of christianity can become tainted and crumble with one wrong doing (think of the sex scandles that plaque the catholic( yet not only them) many thousands of churches battle that cultist child molesting stigma these days because of it.. thats an extreme thought and opinion of mine but seems to resonate globally. You are sooo right about not recognizing jesus in it too!! actually with their rituals, power ceremonies and wealth they appear to be polar opposite of anything Jesus taught.. anyway i am not an expert on the catholic church in any way..their doctrine is a massive sudoku of confusion to me :):)..( not a sudoku expert either) i am not slandering their religion ...i just prefer the incredible modest truth of Jesus..keeping it simple in my beliefs..God loves me, jesus saved me the holy spirit guides me..I couldn't possibly ask for more! peace!!

  2. I watched some of the media coverage over the last few days as Catholics and seemingly the world anxiously awaited a new pope. My heart grieved when I never heard the name of Jesus mentioned once, by anyone! If that rare person did, it wasn't in my hearing.
    My heart was just as grieved a few weeks ago when I watched Pastor Rick Warren on Oprah's Next Chapter, speaking to a large audience who had come to find out how to live a Purpose Filled Life. Not once did this evangelical pastor, whom I have always admired, mention the Lord Jesus Christ. How can anyone possibly have a purpose filled life without Him, and how could any pastor mislead people by not telling them so. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 2 Tim 4:3.
    Lord Jesus, as your church, help us to teach, learn, know, believe, pray and live Your Word, the only absolute truth and speak your name boldly as the world's only hope.
