Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dice & Dust

The day before yesterday, I was working around the yard and I got a rock in my shoe. And I thought, imagine how hard it would be if you TRIED to get a rock in your shoe!!! The whole premise of all of Murphy’s Laws come to mind. I notice it quite often when I go to throw a rotten apple or a rock from the garden over the bank. It is amazing how many times I hit either a tree or a fence rail and I always wonder how hard it would be if I actually tried to hit either.

It does in fact seem sometimes that Murphy got it right doesn’t it. And yet, what does the Scripture say?

“The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.”
Proverbs 16:33

Even the roll of the dice (a very rough equivalent today of the casting of lots in the OT age) is determined by God and is in no way simply dumb blind luck as it seems. It’s preposterous to the mind to grasp it; that God superintends even the most obscure and insignificant of events in this world. Spurgeon referred to even the specks of dust that float in the air as moving by God’s direction.

When you think of it though, in order to be in control of anything, God would have to have dominion over everything. Seriously, think about that. And where that becomes so pertinent is when it effects us personally. Who really cares about a speck of dust anyway. But earlier in the same chapter of the Proverbs…

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.”
Prov 16:9

Someone has said that coincidences are God’s way of remaining anonymous. Maybe, but latter that same evening, the BBQ ran out of fuel just as our pork steaks were done just right. And I thought, what are the odds of that happening; I mean really!!! And maybe it was God’s simple little way of affirming to me that He, and not Mr. Murphy or anyone else, is in charge of the universe. If that is problematic for our minds it is only because our thoughts of God are too small. For even the very specks of the dust of the earth should compel our hearts to wonder and to worship.


  1. Awesome Steve good one. Never thought about it down to the level of dust but why not look at the virus. The simplest form of life..simple right. Nope not at all. Even the simplest form of life is highly complex with miscroscopic systems working together in a highly complex design that runs perfectly. Yes I agree there is nothing that exists that does not deserve praising the creator God for. We take it for granted but he was, is and forever will be in control of it all.

  2. Viruses ... right ... and dust ... even the smallest substances and particles of which the world and all in it is constructed... all points to the creative power and knowledge of God in all His glory. Thanks Buck.

  3. At my advanced age I am taking much comfort and even resting in the fact that my GOD is in control of all things... that is that He has everything I might worry over in His control, already.

  4. excellent post!! it really helps one take their mind off of daily concerns and worries when we know he is boss!!....we always hear God is in control but maybe we get to busy to listen for the chances to obey his direction and calling for us on what to do next in our lives!!..(probably grass is more obedient then us humans) thats awesome that he is in control of even simple matter like dust... actually i was hoping he would come to my house and control some of mine!! hahaha... but seriously what a gift God gives us who truely believe and realize his sovereign(sp) role in the lives we lead!!... I thank him everyday that every blessing and hardship comes from him and I know he grows us all with these lessons!!..I feel honored that he opened my eyes!! of all people he choose that for me.WOW!!..I only hope I fulfill the expectaions he has for me!.. and with prayer and faith I know we ALL can!!peace!! !!

  5. Thanks for your anonymous comment Marion and the note to my inbox telling me it was you!
    I don't know about the 'advanced years' part but anyway, your comment is well received... and that worry thing is a big thing, right!

    Andrea, it is amazing how the assurance that He is ultimately in control brings an irreplaceable peace of mind that you can't get any other way. So, PEACE to you too.

  6. Between blaming Mr Murphy and God over that years I haven't taken much responsibility myself. One day while visiting Rev. Mary Merdrind she pointed out to me that my anger and emotions was getting in the way and that I was putting blame on God for things that were actually blessings. Not looking at what I really had in life. Even though I still get flustered and overwhelmed at times I just wait knowing there is a reason that everything happens. To be honest there is not one event that happened or person that entered my life that has not contributed to making me a better person. At this time though I do feel that God has given me so many lessons that I haven't worked hard enough to put into my daily routines. The path of good intentions will only take one so far... it is the hard work and strong faith that will bring us all home. Thanks I liked this. Made me think and remember that day I chose to stop blaming God and realize he has a plan for me. Twyla
