Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Does God Answer Prayer?

This week for us is a week of prayer. We are doing the 24-7 Prayer experience. Some of our more creative people have converted a classroom into an amazing world within walls that is nothing short of, in a word – inspirational. I was only in the prayer room about 5 minutes before I found myself overwhelmed. Was it the presence of God you might ask? Not exactly. I am very thankful for God’s presence each and every day of my life and I am more or less aware of His presence in all kinds of different ways and places. So why was I overwhelmed? Because the work done by the prayer team in conjunction with the decorating team is of such quality that it elicits prayer and praise. They have created a space in time for us that lifts our hearts. You can’t be there and not pray. This is pretty significant for me. You see, a lot of the time, I have to fight TO pray. It’s hard. In this world prayer is one of those things that can often require a lot of discipline. In the world of the prayer room, however, it would have been a fight NOT to pray! They have done a truly great work.

So, in light of our ‘season’ of prayer, I thought that I would offer a few words about prayer that I believe are important. I have been learning lately how everything in my life and ministry needs to be relational in nature. Evangelism needs to be relational. Discipleship needs to be relational. Preaching needs to be relational. Prayer needs to be relational. That is to say that prayer is never an end in itself. Just as I study the Bible, not just to know stuff or even just to know about God, but to better know Him, so I pray, not just to get stuff or see things happen, but in order to become more intimate with Him.

A blog post caught my eye the other day. It was one by Dave Miller entitled ‘God Doesn’t Answer Prayer’. (SBC Impact, Mar 18/2011) Yeah, you’re probably thinking the same thing I was when I first saw it!!! And, yes, he admitted in the article that he was giving in to the temptation to be a little bit provocative with that title, but he did have a point. What could possibly have been his point you might be asking? It was this: “God doesn’t answer prayer, He answers PEOPLE!”

Think about it. Prayer in and of itself is not a virtue. In fact, the Bible speaks of times when God says that prayer can be abominable to Him … “When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen”. It says He resists the proud but “a contrite spirit [He] will never despise”. It says that if we humble ourselves and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked ways, THEN He will “hear from heaven and will forgive [our] sin and heal [our] land.”

Jesus said that we will receive what we ask for when we ask in His name? What does that really mean? A lot of commentary has been offered as an explanation and a lot of good thoughts on the subject are available. But it got me thinking about the passage in the book of Acts that tells about the seven sons of Sceva. Maybe you aren’t familiar with that one or it’s been a while, so take a look…

Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, “In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.” Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding. (Acts 19:13-16)

Everything is relational, whether we realize it or not. It isn’t about what we do. It isn’t even about what happens. It’s about seeking Him. Do you have a personal relationship with Christ? Do you know Him? Does He know you?! If so, then you have the most amazing privilege that there is. You can call on Him, anywhere, anytime and He will answer you.


  1. In My Utmost For His Highest, Oswald Chambers says the purpose of prayer is not to get answers, but rather to get closer to God. I agree. Prayer doesn't always get the answer we want, but it always drraws us nearer to Him.

  2. Oswald Chambers is one of the greatest and most respected devotional writers of all time Marion, as you know, and he speaks with a lot of authority on the subject. Thanks.

  3. I agree that the purpose of prayer is to seek God and get closer to Him. And He doesn't always answer in the way we think He should, at times he answers almost immediately, and sometimes we think or feel He doesn't answer at all! But this I know- He hears, He cares, He's interested in what and how I feel even tho perhaps He can't answer because He knows the whole scheme of things and we only see in part and what the Holy Spirit reveals to us. And maybe some of our prayers won't or can't be delivered this side of heaven- but we can keep asking- keep seeking His face,ask Him to help us pray in His will and not our own etc... and we can keep trusting,obeying and believing He's got our best intrest in mind.

    I am on my way to the prayer room for 24/7 prayer. I asked Clay if i could take his 1am spot. I have been wanting time alone in there with just God and me. I know I can spend time in prayer with God anywhere and at anytime but that room is so inviting, relaxing and set apart from my never ending to do list at home. I find I am drawn to it because I know it is a time that I can walk away from stress and to do's at home and just set time for Him only. When I try to do it at home there are constant interuptions or I can see everything around me that needs to be done and I can't fully focus on Him. I always feel I have to hurry because ther's so much to do etc...
    It really touches my heart every time I have driven by the church this week and I see a car or two parked there and I know that someone is praying and seeking God. Its a visual reminder that God is working and His people care enough to set special time apart for Him. So enough rambling. I am asking God to help us learn from this new ways to spend time with Him alone and corporately and how we can take what we've learned and apply it in our homes and anywhere, anytime... to seek His face and grow in our relationship with Him. When periods of time go by and I feel I haven't connected with my kids or my husband we don't get along as well. Isn't that the same thing that happens with God- we don't talk to Him and seek Him and then wow we find were annoyed with Him or angry etc...

  4. Thanks Rachael,
    We are asking those same questions about how we can see this become something that helps people in our ongoing personal prayer lives. I think it will. Especially if we leverage it as leaders by doing some teaching coming out of it and that is something that we have been talking about as well.

    You mentioned the visual effect of driving by and seeing cars. I think that is also what happens in the room. The visual aids, as well as the quiet, etc are incredible helps.

    With nicer weather I'm hoping people will be able to get out for 'prayer walks' more in the days ahead... out in 'God's cathedral'.

    And we are looking at this as a 'season' of prayer and something that we need to consider doing again and again in the months and years ahead particularly at strategic times like this leading up to Easter.

    Thanks for your prayers.

  5. This is amazing!!You can't go in that room and not feel closer to God and His church.Short of being saved this may be the most awesome thing I have ever been involved with.I know God isn't just in the prayer room but the atmosphere and visual reminders are so helpful.Please God this will go on and on!!Prayer is powerful and this is awakening alot of people to grab hold of it!!

  6. Clay, the feedback we have been getting from all who have been involved has been consistently positive. It has been, is, a significant time for people. How much so remains to be seen, but all indicators are that it is big.

  7. I am so excited that the 24/7 Prayer is being extended! It is such an awesome experience to be in there without any distractions to take your focus away from your conversations with God. Everywhere you turn there is something that invites you to pray.

    There has been so much thought and work put into the prayer room. I applaud the prayer team and decorators for all there hard work!

    I had the boys with me on Monday afternoon and they were very disappointed when the hour was up. They were both saying "Do we really have to leave? Why?". They have been asking to go back. What a blessing that is as a parent!

  8. That's so good to hear Tracey. I knew that some of the parents had taken their children (I read one note on the wall from a mother who was there with a one year old even) and it is good to hear the feedback on that. That is a tremendous thing.

  9. Geoff and I took the kids in the prayer room today as well. when we left Maddy looked at me and said, " Mommy, that was amazing! When can we do it again?" I'm going to take her next week with just me and she can't wait. It's so important for our children to be a part of this! To teach them to pray, to see other people's needs and love for God. I am so thankful that we have done this. God is moving in a very powerful way this week!

  10. Wow Lyns, it is really good to hear about the impact this is having on children. This is truly amazing and wonderful. Thanks for sharing that. It is very encouraging.

  11. yes it is amazing!! is a room ready to explode with hope, peace , assurance and love!!...and when you leave it hopfully you take some of that with you to spread out there!!... i cannot wait to go back with my girls and show them what love looks like!! i think since they are exposed to horrible visions on the news etc... then this would be a perfect "other side of the coin" for them to see and grasp onto!!<3..... I wish we could just shove everyone in the world into that room for an hour session... what a revolution that would be!!! haha.. God does answer prayer I always knew it before but this room reminded me to never doubt it again!!...he deserves all this praise and ten fold for the amazing things he does in our lives!!.... lets hope we all keep a room like this in our hearts for him long after the prayer room is taken down !!!!! wow wow!!!...peace!

  12. I really appreciate you sharing Andrea but in the future do you think you might be able to show a little more enthusiasm!!! What a blessing you are!

  13. I have been to the prayer room twice and was amazed both times. To kneel before a cross and to be able to visual what Christ went through for us, it was very over whelming. The team that put this together are awesome, the writing on the walls tells so many stories, so many praises to God. I am blessed to be able to worship in a country that I won't be thrown into jail for, and my prayers went out to those who can't worship freely. Today when I was leaving the room, waiting to get in was Maddie and her mom, I thought what a beautiful picture, mother and a small child coming to give thanks to our Lord, in the wee hours, what a blessing. God is good.

  14. I had my one year old grandson in the prayer room. Of course, he was into everything. If anyone had walk on the mustard seed that was on the floor, you can blame that on Hales. (Just think of it as walking on faith.) I did try to clean it up.....No brooms. One seed at a time...(Smile)

    Anyway, it certainly made me think about patience. The love that God has for us. He never gives up on us. WOW how great is that...

    The prayer room was awesome. Yes, I did get to praise God and thank Him for all He has done for me. Even when I get on His nerves He loves me.

    Actually, Hales and I did it again later that week. I truly want Hales to know Jesus, so it is best to start them young.

    The room was amazing!!!!

    Bonnie Y

  15. I really appreciate all of the feedback guys. It is exciting to see God at work in people's lives. Just imagine the potential fall out for His glory.
