Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Small Groups

As of this week, after months of planning, we are now into our big annual winter small group series. Exciting! And so I thought I’d like to post these thoughts about the small group dynamic as it relates to our lives as Christians.

Now, I know that some of you are tempted to stop reading at this point. Either you don’t find the subject of small groups exciting at all, or you already know all about it so what is there to say. Well, let me go on record – we NEED to talk about it and we NEED to get excited about it. Why? Because significant life change happens in small groups. And life change is what church is all about.

As I think about our lives together as His church, I am acutely aware as a pastor that the quality of our lives and the degree of effectiveness in our serving is at issue. So much of Christianity at times has become little more than showing up on Sunday mornings for an hour to do my religious duty. How it must grieve the heart of God that such apathy would ever seem sufficient to us. God wants to do a significant work in your life and mine, changing us and growing us. That work is to be ongoing and, as those belonging to Christ, we are to intentionally pursue it. And for that type of real personal growth to be occurring, we NEED each others help. Read that again – we NEED each others help.

This is not optional. It isn’t just that we do better when we are assisting each other with spiritual growth. Real significant personal development requires this group dynamic. We NEED to be opening up our lives to one another. We NEED to benefit from the shared experience of learning together. We NEED to hear each others stories. We NEED to be speaking into each others lives. We NEED to be confessing to one another and praying with one another and encouraging one another. If this does not happen for us then we will NOT grow the way we should in our personal lives for Him. It really is that straightforward.

Do yourself a huge favour some time and look up the phrase ‘one another’ in a Bible concordance (you can do that online at biblegateway.com) and allow the Word of God to give you an overview of the full range of life together that is His plan for your life.

Small groups are not just an ‘add-on’. The small group dynamic is a critical aspect of our journey together for Him. So share the journey.


  1. Your thoughts about small groups are so true. Sunday morning each week is not enough of a connection with other believers to be sharpened, challenged,renewed etc...I can say from my own personal experience that I didn't start to really grow as a christian until I actively took part in church activities, groups & serving in various ministries. This makes me think about a verse impressed on my heart many years ago and God always seems to remind me of it when I withdraw from Him and His people to do my own thing. Proverbs 18:1 KJV - A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.

    This is a true saying and how many of us live most days on our own little islands meeting our own needs. Not to say we shouldn't take time to rest and have family time etc... People need each other.

    I agree with you also that the quality of our lives and the degree of effectiveness in our serving is at issue. We are too busy serving ourselves! I can say this because I am guilty of this myself. I have let almost 4 years slip by wallowing in my own troubles. I have to force myself to look beyond my own troubles, ignore my feelings(which change constantly) and move forward on sound truth.

    When we keep our troubles, joys, pain, thoughts etc... to ourselves we can't see beyond our own perspective. Others are missing out. They're missing our testimony. Nothing can replace how good if feels to know your not alone in this world with what your going through. A small group makes these connections happen!

    Serving in a ministry at FBC makes this happen. I have always been challenged in my growth and service to the Lord anytime I serve others. Even cleaning! God blesses people in a special way when they are obedient to His call of service to others and His people.

    "You will never feel like you are a part of something until you take part". Rachael Grace

  2. Thanks for your comments Rachael. Very thoughtful. "A man who isolates himself..."... scary thought really isn't it!

    "Others are missing out. They're missing our testimony." If people could just get a hold of this eh; the fact that we are actually withholding from others what we have and they need and vise versa.

    And the belonging... yes, there is nothing that can take the place of knowing that you belong.

    I appreciate you sharing. Please keep doing it.

