Sunday, March 7, 2010

All Thumbs Up

Some pictures are significant moments captured in time – history in the making. This is one of those. As I look at the picture I can’t help but think of the significance of that moment in time captured. I see even the children with their little hands in the air. Merrik gives two thumbs up and Liam gives all five fingers! They don’t understand a whole lot now but just think - years from now they can look back at this picture and say I was there when … Personally, I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, and I mean that.

Today, our church membership stepped out in faith in a way that we believe will have very significant ramifications for the future of our church and the people that, by God’s grace, we hope to reach out to in the coming years. Our membership gave unanimous ‘thumbs up’ to what we believe is God’s direction to call Doug Campbell to serve as an associate pastor here at FBC as part of our pastoral team. It’s a huge step of faith but completely in keeping with how God works here at FAITH Baptist Church.

The decision was unanimous and I can only say that I am a part of the greatest church on the planet. You guys just are the greatest – your enthusiasm, your commitment (taking your Sunday afternoon to own this for example!), your vision for the future and your faith in God inspires me.

You guys are just the very best and I love you all dearly and appreciate you so much.

Doug, if God is speaking to you like He is speaking to us, then this train is leaving the station so welcome aboard!!!!!!!


  1. It was a good day.God is moving mountains to build His church.

  2. awww!!! i had my thumbs up too!!! and boasted all afternoon at my folks doing wood that we had the greatest church on the planet as well!! Glad to here it was unanimous!!sorry i missed it I seem to always miss these things ..probably cause i would just explode with joy if i was at them...God knows me well and was protecting me i guess!! haha...arrgg though anyhow !! God sure blesses and blesses doesn't he?!! i am way excited!! congrats...... another one of my favorite quotes is"what most churches need is less block and more tackle "and we sure have that don't we!!?..hhahah
    peace and love

  3. To me it was a defining moment. It is awesome to be part of a body on fire for and led by Christ. I feel God moving through the body despite the fact that on our own we can do nothing but by the glory and power of God nothing is impossible.
    There is a song I think by Casting Crowns that says sometimes the best thing we can do is get out of the way. I think I can speak for everyone when I say, no one wants to stand in the way of what God is doing here. Its not what we are doing as much as what God is doing through us. I stand in awe of what is happening glad to onboard and part of the rescue mission of Christ. I pray we can turn our boats around and rescue as many as possible before we arrive before our Lord. I pray that he will say "Well done my good and faithful servants"
    To all of Faith Baptist Members well done. I am blessed to be part of this family

  4. This is awesome news and i am pretty shure that we could hear the ecitment all the way from NB. It's great that the church is finally taking another step towards sharing the journey.

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  6. Last Sunday Glenda and I were waiting for Steve to call us with the results of the meeting. As the afternoon wore on I was wondering how it went - you just never know how things will turn out. Then Steve called and sort of hummed and hawed a bit, which made me wonder some more. Then he asked us to check our email. Well, that picture was worth more than a thousand words! Watching the Lord plan and lead, and His people respond in faith gives us the deep impression that the Lord saved us, discipled and shaped us for this moment and time and place to serve Him. Thank you Lord for the privilege.
