Thursday, February 11, 2010

Trafficking In The Truth

Heather B was telling me she heard someone say how submitting to God is like ‘yielding’ in traffic. She said it reminded her of my little story about Derek’s ‘traffic insight’ [See Jan 25/2010 Blog - 'It's Who You Know'].

Now, this got me thinking … I wonder how many ‘spiritual life’ analogies we could come up with from the world of traffic? What do you think? It would be kind of neat to see wouldn’t it? I think I feel a song coming on … Jesus Take The Wheel…

Let’s do it! Let’s see how many traffic analogies we can post here. Submit yours using the comment function below and we’ll see how many good ones we can come up with.


  1. The traffic lights are like God's answers to prayer... sometimes they are green..go ahead.. sometimes they are yellow... slow down be careful and soemtimes they are red... stop or no go...

  2. Hey, that is really good. I like it.

  3. ..well i am not sure if it is the same concept but i see us as all like one of God's highways.... "always under constuction"...!haha

  4. That works for me Andrea, and it's pretty hard to argue with but really important to remember, for ourselves and for each other. Thanks.

  5. I heard an illustration one time about how the dash board lights in a car are like our emotions. They indicate when there is a problem but we have to fix the problem at its source and not just try and turn the light off.

  6. There was a time in my life when I thought that it was enough to have Christ along for the ride. But there came a time when I realized that I really need to be sliding over and giving him the driver's seat.

  7. Those are good ones guys. I'm sure that if we had more time we could come up with a whole lot more but those are good.
