Friday, February 26, 2010

Give Yourself A Break

More road analogies... A very grand man named Henry Hildebrand said one time, in a class I was privileged to be in with him lecturing, that the only things that run by themselves are running down hill. You can surely appreciate the truth of that statement. It points out the need for us to put real effort into our living. We need to be motivated (motored).

But it occurred to me recently that life sometimes can get away from us almost like it is ‘running down hill’ in a sense. It’s like you’re in a vehicle and unless you have some kind of braking mechanism you can really get yourself in big trouble.

The implication is that, not only do we need to be motivated and energetic, some times we need a break!!! Unless we have some kind of breaking system we will continue to accelerate until we lose control. This is particularly true in our contemporary world which never stops. Businesses run everyday of the week, phones never shut off … they used to call New York the city that never sleeps but it seems now like the whole world could be described that way almost.

But God designed the world and us to live balanced lives. When you consider the Sabbath laws of the Bible you start to get a sense for how important God feels these things really are.

So we really need both motors and breaks. We need to get going and we need to be able to stop. The question is, have you developed a good breaking system that keeps your life under control? If not, then that would be a really important thing to put some thoughtful time into. But, for that to happen, you’re going to have to take a break.

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