Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pray for Haiti

The news and pictures coming out of Haiti since the massive earthquake Tuesday night leave one speechless. It is a disaster of epic proportions and the world seems to be rushing to help. The initial obstacles are likely to hinder the kind of rescue aid required immediately and we really need to pray for those trapped and injured as well as those mobilizing to help.

One of those missing is Mark Gallagher who is an RCMP officer from our region who is part of a UN training mission to Haiti. He had just returned to the country that very day and had called his wife Lisa that evening to say that he was heading straight for his apartment to get some much needed rest after a very long day of travel.

I had a conversation with Mark back in the fall at Alex and April’s wedding reception (Mark is Alex’s uncle). At the time he had just flown back home from Haiti surprising his wife and family. He was telling me about Haiti and I can still see his face in my mind as he tried to describe what it was like to travel from here to there; here where we have so much and there were they have so little.

There are only two things that most of us can do at this point. One is pray. The other is give.

There are a number of good relief agencies for sure but if you are not sure how to go about helping, here is one of the best: Samaritan's Purse

1 comment:

  1. This is a quote from a Globe and Mail article:

    Stunned people wandered the streets holding hands. Thousands gathered in public squares long after nightfall, singing hymns.

    “The hospitals cannot handle all these victims,” Dr. Louis-Gerard Gilles, a former senator, said as he helped survivors. “Haiti needs to pray. We all need to pray together.”

    Already we are hearing stories about how massivley and decisively the Body is moving - how boldly they are diving in. Glory to God.

    I think Dr Gilles hit the nail on the head "We all need to pray together".
