Friday, October 10, 2008

You Just Never Know

Some days you just have to wonder don’t you? Ah – ‘the best-laid plans of mice and men’… (thank you to Robby Burns) … just when things were going good and moving right along…

I took this picture a while back one day when I was walking to my car and the scene caught my eye. It seemed so, so, so …hmmm… Shakespearean maybe? Tragic.

Living in a world where everything is uncertain; where at any given moment of time, anything can change; any intention of our hearts can suddenly come to a screeching halt. Well, it’s down right disconcerting isn’t it!

The Psalmist says that “the length of our days is seventy years, or eighty, if we have the strength…” And he prays that God would, “teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psa 90)

And yet, James reminds us that life is so uncertain that at any moment of time, anything can happen, or not happen. He says that we need to learn to qualify everything we plan to do with an attitude of recognition, that, at ANY time God reserves the prerogative to change our plans. (See James 4:13-15)

This is so absolute! Nothing is exempt from it. Every single thing can go wrong! Or at least ‘go wrong’ from where we sit. Personally, I don’t like this much. I guess, philosophically, I can accept it all because I believe in a Sovereign God whose providence is the only refuge I have in this world of troubling uncertainty. But experientially on a day to day, or rather moment to moment basis, it might be the hardest thing there is to come to terms with.

So how do you handle personal disappointment? Maybe I could hear from some you on this one?

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